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Actas Urol Esp ; 32(1): 102-18, 2008 Jan.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18411629


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplant is a good treatment for both renal and pancreas insufficiency. Experimental apply of genitourinary tract for pancreas implantation is reported in this work. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Twenty animals aged as average 5.5 monts (SD 1.1) and an average weight of 53 kgr were submitted to this protocol. In the day 1 a left nephrectomy is completed and the graft is perfused with University of Wisconsin solution. A partial pancreatectomy is completed at following, isolation of pancreatic islets by colagenase enzymatic digestion. Islets are dryed with Ditizone and culptured for 24 hours at 37 degrees C and 5% CO2. Day-2 a right nephrectomy is performed and orthotopic renal autotransplant using the left kidney is completed. Pancreatic islets are transplanted in 4 different locations of the genitourinary tract: renal subcapsular space, bladder submucosae, testis parenchyma and vas deferens. Day-7, all the animals were sacrifized to complete pathological study. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Viable islets were isolated in bladder submucosae and testis after transdeferential injection.

Células Secretoras de Insulina/transplante , Transplante de Rim , Transplante Heterotópico/métodos , Sistema Urogenital/cirurgia , Animais , Suínos
Actas urol. esp ; 32(1): 102-118, ene. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-058838


Conceptualmente el trasplante de páncreas (TP) asociado al trasplante renal (TR) puede resolver la insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) y la diabetes (DM). Aunque el lugar de implantación más frecuentemente utilizado es la vena porta, el tracto genitourinario puede ser adecuado desde un punto de vista técnico durante el TR. 20 animales con una edad media de 5,5 (SD 1,1) meses y una mediana de peso de 53 (30,102) kg se sometieron al siguiente protocolo experimental. El primer día, se lleva a cabo la nefrectomía izquierda y el injerto es perfundido con solución de Wisconsin, lo que se sigue de una pancreatectomía distal y el aislamiento de islotes por medio de la digestión enzimática con Colagenasa. Los islotes son teñidos con el colorante vital Ditizona (DTZ) y cultivados durante 24 horas a 37º y 5% de Co2. El día 2 se realiza la nefrectomía derecha y un TR ortotópico del injerto renal izquierdo preservado. Los islotes son trasplantados en 4 localizaciones diferentes en el tracto genitourinario: el espacio subcapsular del injerto renal, en la submucosa de vejiga, en el parénquima testicular y por vía deferencial. El día 7, los animales son sacrificados para estudio histopatológico. Se demostraron islotes viables en la submucosa vesical y en el testículo tras infusión por vía deferencial

Introduction and objectives: Simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplant is a good treatment for both renal and pancreas insufficiency. Experimental apply of genitourinary tract for pancreas implantation is reported in this work. Material and method. Twenty animals aged as average 5.5 monts (SD 1.1) and an average weight of 53 kgr were submitted to this protocol. In the day 1 a left nephrectomy is completed and the graft is perfused with University of Wisconsin solution. A partial pancreatectomy is completed at following, isolation of pancreatic islets by colagenase enzymatic digestion. Islets are dryed with Ditizone and culptured for 24 hours at 37ºC and 5% CO2. Day-2 a right nephrectomy is performed and orthotopic renal autotransplant using the left kidney is completed. Pancreatic islets are transplanted in 4 different locations of the genitourinary tract: renal subcapsular space, bladder submucosae, testis parenchyma and vas deferens. Day-7, all the animals were sacrifized to complete pathological study. Results and conclusions: Viable islets were isolated in bladder submucosae and testis after transdeferential injection

Animais , Transplante de Rim/métodos , Modelos Animais , Transplante das Ilhotas Pancreáticas/métodos , Sistema Urogenital/cirurgia , Nefrectomia/métodos , Pancreatectomia/métodos , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/cirurgia , Suínos , Rejeição de Enxerto